Excalibur Tools was tasked with developing and building a machine for a client that could efficiently and precisely produce double-ended tools like Allen wrenches. Incorporating a FANUC robot into this machine and including a part flipper allowed Excalibur
to create a repeatable process that could efficiently grind both ends of a tool.
Equipped with a FANUC Series 30i-B CNC and integrated with a FANUC LR Mate 200iD robot for machining tending, the ERG-6 RoboGrind processes the parts only once, which has increased production for the client by 300%.
Additionally, communications between the robot and CNC have been simplified by using FANUC I/O Link i. This system enables the robot to automatically adjust lengths or cycle times when a different part program is entered into the CNC, eliminating extra
programming as well as minimizing miscommunication.