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FANUC America offers an experienced team of Industrial IoT solutions experts to help any questions you may have, and work toward maximizing productivity through IIoT.
FANUC's Zero Down Time service (ZDT) is designed to eliminate downtime and enhance overall robot performance. Protect your investment with FANUC’s proven industrial IoT solution: FANUC Zero Down Time.
FANUC MT-LINKi and FANUC MT-LINKi Integration Server provide ultimate shopfloor connectivity with fully scalable, out-of-the-box machine tool monitoring solutions that can monitor and manage data for up to two thousand machines.
The ROBOGUIDE family of process-focused software packages allows users to create, program, and simulate a robotic work cell in 3D without the physical need and expense of a prototype work cell setup.
Want more information about FANUC's Connected Solutions? Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable product representative.
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When every second counts on your shop floor, efficiency is key. You need to have plant floor insights as they are happening to help you achieve operational excellence. With FANUC MT-LINKi you can connect to your floor, and view a snapshot of your plant’s operations on any PC, tablet device, or conveniently located monitors on your shop floor. View any machine’s up-to-date status, view cycle times of programs, track production and much more. Open up a world of connectivity with FANUC’s MT-LINKi solution.
Nearly a decade ago, the world was transformed with the global adoption of smart phone applications, as people discovered the great benefits and efficiencies of "Apps" on their smart devices. Software developers focused their creative and technical programming resources to develop applications - whether practical or entertaining - then marketed them on Google's Play and Apple’s App Store. Today, it’s difficult to remember a world before Apps, while a new generation of users grow up knowing nothing different than the phrase, "there’s an App for that."
FANUC Zero Down Time (ZDT) - FANUC offers Zero Down Time (ZDT) provides predictive analytics to prevent unexpected down time. ZDT identifies component failures in advance, and recommends proper intervals for routine equipment maintenance activities. These features allow plant managers to schedule regular production down time for maintenance and mechanical hardware replacement rather than lose valuable time and money performing unscheduled repairs or maintenance. ZDT allows your production staff to monitor their manufacturing process remotely using a web portal that provides a clear picture of device health, equipment utilization, and energy consumption.
FANUC ROBOGUIDE - ROBOGUIDE is the leading offline programming product on the market for FANUC robots. The ROBOGUIDE family of process-focused software packages allows users to create, program and simulate a robotic workcell in 3D without the physical need and expense of a prototype workcell setup. With virtual robots and workcell models, offline programming with ROBOGUIDE minimizes risks and costs by enabling visualization of single and multi-robot workcell layouts before actual installation.