FANUC America Education Solutions for Students

Explore robot and CNC education opportunities.


FANUC certified education programs provide industry-relevant training

FANUC America has more than 1,600+ partner schools that offer our education and certification programs using the latest automation technologies.

Students at partner schools are prepared to enter the workforce with the skills and knowledge aligned to today’s industry technology. Why? because FANUC believes that by working together we can inspire tomorrow’s innovators today!

Robots for Education

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CNC/ROBODRILL for Education

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FANUC Education Videos

Kelly Zelesnik

Lorain Community College

Students can continue to work & learn advanced automation skills at Lorain Community College

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Oakland Community College

Robotics & Automation Program at Oakland Community College for Advanced Careers

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Nova High School

Nova High School Instructor Benefits from Levil Milling Machine with FANUC 0i-f CNC

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Branch Area Career Center

Industrial Robotics Training Program at Branch Area Careers Center

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RAMTEC Career Center

Industry-Certified FANUC Automation Training Programs at RAMTEC Automation Training Center

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Oakland Tech Schools

FANUC Certified Education Programs at Oakland Technical Schools - Northwest

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Utica Center for Science and Industry

FANUC Certified Education Programs at Utica Center for Science & Industry

FANUC Has Education Solutions for Students, Workers, Employers and Educators


Students & Workers

FANUC’s Certified Education (CERT) program is designed to help you secure a high-demand job that provides high wages, upward mobility, and ultimately a higher standard of living.

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"Manufacturing is becoming more and more automated every day. Everything is being done by machines, creating a need for a higher educated workforce. The students that are coming here and learning about robotics are getting those higher paying jobs."

Bob DuCharme

Instructor - Oakland Schools Technical Campus

"Our two-year robotics training program is based on STEM initiatives that have prepared students to go directly to work in high-paying careers. In fact, since we began the program in the 1980s, we’ve achieved nearly 100% placement for our graduates, all accepting starting positions with average salaries exceeding $60K."

John Sefcovic

Oakland Community College Faculty - Robotics & Automation Program

"FANUC has the most common control platform, which is the one that students will see when they enter the job market."

Adam Handler

Engineering Teacher - Nova High School