FANUC’s education robots are real-world industry solutions designed for the classroom

Our robot education program trains instructors to teach students about FANUC robots and software. We’ve developed a curriculum to introduce students to robot applications including integrated vision systems (iRVision), programming a logic controller, and using ROBOGUIDE simulation software.

Eligible schools can purchase an educational tooling package to integrate robot training into their programs and initiatives. These programs will enable students to learn and use FANUC robots and software – the same products used today in industrial workplaces all over the world.

Group of students

Robot Curriculum Programs

Level 1 & Basic Robot Operations

Level 1 – Robot Operator 

Students with this level will attain a basic understanding of robot operations and programming, material handling and its components, as well as get introduction to preventative maintenance with troubleshooting.

These training solutions and programs are aligned to the FANUC Certified Robot Operator National Certification offered through NOCTI. This level focuses on the core Robot Operator skills needed by employers at an entry level or incumbent workers skills development.

Basic Robot Operations include the following options:

  • Enclosed LR Mate Cart
  • K-12 Introductory Robotics Package
  • M-1iA R30iB Mate PLUS 6-axis tabletop platform
  • SCARA Cart
  • Stand alone LR Mate, M-1iA, SCARA or Collaborative Robot
Level 2 Intermediate Tech

Level 2 – Robot Technician

Provides students a thorough understanding of robot operations and programming, material handling and its components, and integrated technologies like 2D iRVision, conveyors, digital and Ethernet I/O.

These training programs align with NOCTI’s FANUC Certified Robot Operator National Certification. Level 2 focuses on the the primary technical skills that employers require for intermediate level employees or to improve a current worker’s skills development

Intermediate Technician includes the following options:

  • Fenceless LR Mate Cart
  • 2D iRVision
  • Fenceless Collaborative Robot
  • Machine Tending Educational Cell (MTEC-SIM)
  • I/O Simulator Box
  • Fenceless ARC Mate
  • Conveyor Systems
  • Project Based Learning Kits
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Level 3 & Advanced Technician

Level 3 – Advanced

Level 3 Advanced builds on Level 1 & 2 programs and progresses to system integration of advanced automation systems.

Students at this level may earn the NOCTI FANUC Advanced Technician certification assessment. This level may be co- sponsored by FANUC and the student’s employer.

Advanced Technician includes the following options:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Education Cell with Integrated PLC
  • Connected Smart Manufacturing™ (CSM™-CERT)
  • Machine Tending Education Cell – ROBODRILL with 2D iRVision
  • Single/Multi-Robot Systems with Conveyor and 2D iRVision
  • Machine Tending Education Cell (MTEC) ROBODRILL
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