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AI Servo Monitor - Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance

See machine problems before they happen with FANUC’s new AI Servo Monitor. Users get insight into any abnormalities detected on a machine equipped with a FANUC CNC through daily data collection and analysis.

Powered by artificial intelligence, AI Servo Monitor can predict possible failures of the drive systems for FANUC servo and spindle motors. The software works in conjunction with FANUC’s machine status monitoring and data collection software, MT-Link i. It uses data obtained from FANUC servo and spindle motors, and since the data is obtained directly from the motor, a separate sensor is not required.


FANUC AI Servo Monitor

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AI Servo Monitor Key Features:

  • Boost production through reliable operation of servo and spindle motors
  • Prevent unplanned downtime through full visibility of machine’s mechanical elements
  • Make data-driven maintenance decisions, including scheduling important machine updates
  • Monitor the anomaly score in intuitive graphs via a web interface
  • No additional sensors necessary